Tags: inbound marketing, inspiratie
Inbound Marketing isn’t the new kid on the block anymore. It is becoming mainstream. Traditional outbound methods are losing ground. Not only do they turn out to be inefficient, they are also annoying to target audiences.
Inbound Marketing starts with a deep understanding of (potential) customers. Based on these insights high valuable is created in order to supprise (potential) customers. Inbound Marketing is about being in the right place on the right time in order to help your target audience.
One of the biggest events around this way of doing marketing is INBOUND. The Marketing Automation Software company HubSpot created it. The event takes place in Boston. More than 19.000 people attended this years edition. I was one of them and it was my first time. The event presents a mix of inspirational keynotes and marketing- and sales sessions. I have tried to visit as many sessions as I could, ignoring my jet leg. It was a great experience and the presidential elections gave the visit to Boston an extra interesting layer. The speakers at the event couldn’t ignore the orange elifant in the room and almost all the speakers at least mentioned the fact that Trump got elected president.
I love to share some inspirational quotes I’ve picked up and hope they will inspire you as well.
Gary Vaynerchuk, Entrepeneur
“I Wake up every morning and try the put myself out of business”“Creative is the key to success”
Anna Kendrick, Actrice
“If you are not authentic, people could smell it on you”
Brian Halligan, Founder & CEO HubSpot
“paid marketing and content marketing go together like bacon and eggs, it is just delicious”
“Cold Calling is death”
Ta Nehisi Coates, writer
“When it endangers one of us, it endangers all of us.”
Tim Urban, Wait But Why
“I am a qurius baby”
“Sometimes you have to let live shit on you for a while”
David Meerman Scott, Online Marketing Strategist
“The best marketer got elected president”
Charles Duhigg, Pulitzer prize-winning reporter at the New York Times
“Productive people thought themselfse how to think more deeply”
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